Chicago Youth Baseball


Electric Dreams

The Father Thing


I keep coming back to one perplexing, undeniable conundrum. Half the modern baseball players bat left-handed. So why isn’t first base the hot corner too?

We’re seven deep into the series and back in the Windy City. Probably eating very thick, bready pizza with the Obamas while listening to Smashing Pumpkins. Sounds pretty amazing, tbf. Or it would do if the world wasn’t under attack from imposters. Sent down in brightly-lit hailstorms, alien life forms are taking over the bodies of normal people in true Invasion of the Body Snatchers style.

If you’re anything like me, that’s not really that scary. Who’s to say that invaders populating some human entities in the world currently would neceassarily be a bad thing? In a world of Kim Jong Un and Jim Davidson, I can only see benefits. You’ve got to take the rough with the smooth.

So the aliens are beamed down and are gradually taking over but the backdrop is baseball. Now. I’m British, so have no point of reference here. You get three chances to hit a ball and maybe you can do that nine times. Something like that? What I get from it is that if you’re really into it, you’re REALLY into it, but if you’re not, ha ha fuck off, what a waste of time.

The Chicago Youth Baseball website is briefly visible when Charlie is checking whether he made the grade for the team, shortly before his dad Greg Kinnear gets force fed lightening into his mouth. So please appreciate it while you can.

I suppose baseball is just a A US cricket, right? If you understand it, you’re all over it. Though in the case of a Test match: for five days. Hammered for the whole time, doing a four hour conga dressed like Donald Duck until you pass out from dehydraytion.

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