

Electric Dreams



The security of our supply lines is vital to prevent interruptions of services you depend on. We don’t depend on you. Perhaps your lives would be better if you did.

What if there were a nuclear apocalypse and only Amazon and a few human stragglers remained? Well, here we are. I’m never one to shy away from butchering boz-eyed billionaire Bezos when the opportunity arises (in fact, I’ve already done that within this series alone), so if the nutcases in Yankland ever decide to push the button, there’s no doubt in my mind that Jeff would survive the lot. He’s not only a cock but also a cockroach.

So Autofac are pretty much Amazon, hence why I’ve embellished their logo and given them the same colour scheme. As you might’ve noticed, it includes a cheeky little Penrose triangle, masquerading as a letter ‘A’. Presumably to somehow represent the endless cycle of consumerism what is left of the human race is trapped in.

The star turns are undoubtedly Juno Temple and Janelle MonĂ¡e, representing human (*cough*) and automated humanoid Autofac customer support respectively. As with most other shows in the series, there is a climactic twist at the end that is worth hanging around for.

I suppose the question would be whether anyone would wear a t shirt with an Amazon logo on the front if they weren’t being paid to do so. I mean…there are a lot of weird people out there, so I’m guessing it would surprise us all how many would be willing to do so unironically.

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