Cassidy’s House Rice


A Whole Different Story


Kevin Bridges


We don’t order rice from the Chinese. Why would we pay £2 for rice when there’s a whole jar of rice on the worktop there? That would just be stupid, wouldn’t it?

If you’re wondering who the Cassidy family are, they’re from Glasgow and Kevin (Kev.i.n to his mates) is friends with Stu. He goes round his house one Friday to play computer and his mum offers him the opportunity to join them for a Chinese. Obviously he accepts this proposal but comes to regret his decision when they elect to not order rice from the takeaway, rather cook it themslves at home. Ergo ‘house rice’. I don’t think house rice is a thing. Basmati, arborio, long grain and sushi – yes, yes, yes and yes. House rice not so much. Except for now.

Personally I’m a big fan of rice and I’m amazed that this is my first foray into the genre. I can’t say with any great conviction that I’m a particularly cultured connoisseur but I prefer the stuff you actually have to boil in a pan over the ones you stick in the microwave for two minutes. I mean, if you can’t be arsed to take five minutes to cook rice I’d say you’re doing it wrong.

The design here takes pointers from some of the big hitters in the field. Yes. I know. All rice is grown in a field. Those two being a parent’s sibling called Benjamin and not Miss Swinton. I only realised while analysing their material that the latter of these uses an actual tilde on the capital T in their logo. Pretty clever, I’d say. So I’ve got that going on on the Cassidy C also.

Glasgow, though. Only been there once but it’s a fantastic place. If you’re into going out, I would recommend. Also a hotbed of comedy, for sure. Billy Connolly, Frankie Boyle, Limmy, Jerry Sadowitz, obvs… just keep away from the football and politics and you’ll be fine.

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