Police Cops


The Simpsons

Homer to the Max


Nobody snuggles with Max Power, Marge. You strap yourself in and feel the Gs.

We’ll go design first on this one, as it’s a fairly obvious point of reference. And that is garish, 1980s buddy-cop masterpiece Miami Vice. I don’t think there’s a person currently alive on Earth who can look at the combination of turquoise and magenta and not think of Don Johnson driving a Lamborghini whilst wearing sunglasses during the night time. Then also the palm trees. But no, wait – that’s a cactus, right? You are correct. The reason for that being…

In The Simpson’s episode ‘Homer to the Max‘, Homer ends up changing his name to Max Power (which he gets from a hair dryer) due to the folks at FOX’s new Vice-esque show ‘Police Cops‘. The programme’s pilot includes protagonists Lance Kaufman and Homer Simpson – the latter of which (aside from sharing Homer’s name) is a scarf-tossing, too-cool-for-school action hero. Unfortunately for Homer, when the series properly airs, the character has been turned into a bumbling fuckwit. He visits the writers pleading for dignity but upon leaving the meeting, immediately walks into a cactus. Which the writers then put directly into the next episode.

So Miami Vice plus cactus. That’s all you really need to know. That, I believe, is the end of that chapter.

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