fromFather Ted
Are You Right There Father Ted?
£28.00 – £30.00
I thought my uncle Tommy was wearing black socks but when I looked at them closely, they were just very, very, very, very, very, very, dark blue. Never buy black socks in a normal shop. They’ll shaft you every time.
The title ‘Are You Right There Father Ted?‘ doesn’t flesh out the episode particularly well, so let it be known that we’re dealing with the one with the Chinese and Nazi drapes one. Featuring the classic ‘I hear you’re a racist now, Father‘ scene where Mrs. Carberry lambasts the Greeks for inventing gayness.
Without spoiling too much, Ted’s friend Father Fitzpatrick is an avid war memorabilia collector but accidentally takes cyandide, bequeathing said memeorabilia to Ted on his death. The stuff turns up and Mrs. Doyle unwittingly displays giant swastikas around the front room when he’s invited the whole of Craggy Island’s Chinese community back to the house on the proviso of proving that he’s not xenophobic.
‘Without spoiling too much’, he says. Anyway, Ted and Father Dougal have a brief conversation regarding ordering extremely black priest socks from Habithat. An obvious play on Habitat, the homeware, furnishings and soft cushion pedallers. Those lads feature the same house shape as this but with a heart in the middle. I mean, priests, crosses…it writes itself, right?
Answering myself – yes, yes it does. If I allow you to peek behind the wizard’s curtain for a second, I can tell you that this one was a personal best in terms of timing. From initial idea to execution, it was the quickest by far.
Sort of the opposite of this one. Which is better? That’s for you to answer, not me.
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