Blue Rat


15 Storeys High

Blue Rat


Go on. Have one. Nah, it’s all right. Dunno what’s in ’em. It’s only gonna be some Polish chemicals.

I’ve seen some designs for this on internets already, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. To me, it’s pretty obvious where the name comes from. Maybe if you swap ‘blue’ for ‘red’ and ‘rat’ for a large male bovine animal, you get where I’m coming from. They say it gives you wings but I had one once and nearly had a heart attack. It was shaped like a bullet for some reason, so the clues were there. Never again.

In the show, Vince (Sean Lock RIP) has one too many Blue Rats (all the energy of a rat, trapped in a can) and begins to lose his mind. I think the implication being that they’re packed full of amphetamines. Ask yourself if you’d trust a commercially available drink – energy or otherwise – that didn’t have a ring pull but instead had to be punctured like those old school 1960s ones.

This one is also the episode where Errol gets a job at Billingsgate and constantly stinks of fish and the bloke in the opposite block owns a psychopathic pony.

Another British sitcom with a mere two series. I usually want more and this is no exception.

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