Cambodian Midget Fighting League


The Ricky Gervais Show


The fight was ended after only 12 minutes, after which 28 of the midget fighters were declared dead. It would seem that the lion was Ok.

Ok, to call this ‘from’ the Ricky Gervais Show is pushing it somewhat. They talk about it. Hardly surprising for a radio programme that has features called ‘Monkey News’ and ‘Cheeky Freak of the Week’. And it *is* a radio show. The animated series came waaaay after the Xfm broadcasts of the early 21st century. The basic premise for this one is that a lion has a fight with 42 diminuitive Cambodian wrestlers. It’s obviously not true. But I don’t think that should stop us.

Housekeeping out of the way, the design posed a problem because I immediately though of UFC. Which I couldn’t feasibly double up on, as that would be uncool / lazy, possibly both. So I took a trip to Mexico. Not literally. I’m not adverse to the idea, but everyone I know who’s gone there has got the shits. I’m talking, of course, of the old Lucha Libre. With the masks and what have you. They have a league there, so it seemed logical to focus on that. The flower in the centre is the romdoul. I’m sure it won’t surprise you to learn that it’s the national flower of Cambodia.

As for Cambodia itself… the first things I think of are sex tourism and the Khmer Rouge. Not good, is it? And pretty insulting if you’re from that part of the world, I would say. The way I see it is that if you go in with low expectations you’ll have a much better time of it. That’s a joke. From the images I’ve seen it looks spectacular.

I don’t know anyone who’s ever been there, mind. So the shits remain unconfirmed.

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